Tech:Friend Terms and Conditions

1) The company agrees with the client that this agreement shall have an initial period of 12 months and shall continue in force on an annual rolling contract basis. Termination by the client can only occur on the renewal anniversary, with not less than one month’s notice in writing, given by the client, to the company.

2) The company agrees with the client to provide during the continuance of this agreement, the following maintenance services.

        During this agreement, you will have 12 months unlimited remote & telephone assistance from 7am to 7pm
        everyday day of the year except Christmas day.  
        During office hours (8.30am to 5.30pm) you will be able to talk to a professional our
        helpline/helpdesk service; they will be able to understand your problems and to solve or to guide you towards the
        solutions, this is done remotely, from the comfort of your home. Out of office hours, you will be able to leave a
        voicemail, which will raise the issue directly with our help desk. We endeavour to respond to your issue within 4
        hours (maximum 8 hours) from the time your message was left, during our support times.

        The client is required to report all support queries by email to, 
        or by telephone directly to our Helpdesk on 01784 772 425 to our offices and obtain a support call reference

Additional equipment purchased by the customer from the Company shall form part of this agreement, subject to payment of any additional maintenance charges.

3) The Client agrees with the Company:

        That in consideration of the maintenance service to be provided; the Client will pay the Company on the         
        execution of this agreement, and on each renewal anniversary thereof, an amount equal to the sum of the then
        current maintenance price of each software or hardware product, plus any taxes at the appropriate rate.

        To pay the Company for any additional expenses incurred in providing the maintenance service and where a site
        visit is requested, for travelling costs and time over 5 miles away from our offices. All current published rates,
      including rates of repairs and site visits can be requested by emailing

        The Company reserves the right to make additional charges to cover all or part of the cost of repairs for
        equipment over three years old.

        The company shall notify the Client of the estimated cost of such repairs prior to making such repairs.

        The Company reserves the right to refuse to maintain the products and no longer be bound by the terms of this
        agreement, if the Client shall fail to observe and perform the terms and conditions of any licence agreement
     or fails to observe all the manufacturers instructions in connection with the hardware system or software

4) Should the Company be called upon to rectify any faults caused either solely or partly by the negligence of the Client, (including, but not limited to inadequate security copying procedure, destruction of the media, and failure to operate the relevant hardware or software in the correct manner) the Client agrees to pay for the Company’s time at the then current published rates, plus any expenses involved at cost.

5) Exceptions to any remedial onsite support include but are not limited to:
        > the replacement of your equipment following theft or physical damage from any cause whatsoever.
        > Any form of negligence on your part (unless under the specific instruction of our engineers) which includes    but is not limited to:

        > attempting to install any software on any supported computer.

            > Opening any email message suspected of containing a virus or visiting unsolicited URLs.
        >Turning-off the power to any computer which has not been shut-down correctly.
        > Not complying with a specific request on the part of our engineers within a reasonable time scale.
        > Failure to carry out the correct back-up procedure in accordance with the agreed schedule, or to keep relevant
                 back-up off-site.

6) In the event of system corruption by an employee of the Company, the Company will at its discretion, either re-instate the system to the state prior to the damage or indemnify the Client against the cost of re-instating the system, provided that proper security copies of data have been made.

7) One month prior to each renewal anniversary of this agreement, the Client will be notified of any changes in the contract rate and those changes will be effective from the anniversary.

The Company reserves the right to withdraw maintenance cover should any outstanding charges be unpaid at the renewal date.


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