Last week it came to our attention that there was a WhatsApp message circulating the country offering ‘a Free Cadbury’s Easter Chocolate Hamper’ and ‘over 5,000 free gifts to be won!’ – an offer you can’t refuse right?
Wrong! Unfortunately – for chocolate fans everywhere – this was obviously a scam.
The message is said to contain a link that looks like it has come from Russia. When opened, it has been asking for personal details and even your passwords!
The British police have issued a warning stating that the link attempts to access personal details.
Merseyside Police tweeted a warning, saying they “know its hard to turn down free chocolate” but it is in fact a scam “designed to gain access to your personal details.”
Cadbury UK have released a statement claiming that “we can confirm that this has not been generated by us and we urge consumers not to interact or share personal information through the post.”
To learn more about other scams in the news, and how to report them properly read our Royal Mail Scam article and Phishing Scam Article.
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